What is the Correct Way to Cite a YouTube Video?

What is the Correct Way to Cite a YouTube video?


Citing a YouTube video in academic work can be challenging, especially since videos often include unique contributors and media elements that aren’t typically found in text sources. Here’s a guide to citing YouTube videos correctly across different citation styles.

1. Citing a YouTube Video in MLA Format

In MLA format, YouTube video citations require basic details such as the video creator, title, and publication date.


  • “Title of Video.” YouTube, uploaded by Username, day month year, URL.



  • If the creator’s name is different from the username, add both, starting with the real name if known.

2. Citing a YouTube Video in APA Format

In APA format, the author-date citation style is used, requiring specific information such as the uploader and video title.


  • Username. (Year, Month Day). Title of video [Video]. YouTube. URL.



  • In APA, the uploader acts as the “author,” so make sure you note the username accurately.

3. Citing a YouTube Video in Chicago Style

Chicago Style can have two approaches: Notes-Bibliography and Author-Date.

Format (Notes-Bibliography):

  • Username. “Title of Video.” YouTube video, Duration. Date. URL.



  • Include the video’s duration if it’s significant to your work.


Citing a YouTube video requires attention to detail, and each citation style has its specific requirements. By following the formats above, you can ensure your citations are accurate and professional.

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